Leadership Learning
The Omidyar Fellows curriculum has been thoughtfully designed to build critical skills, create a strong peer network, and allow for self-reflection and personal growth.
These key program elements are what define and differentiate this leadership opportunity:
Cohort-Based Learning – The context for transformative learning is community. The ability of a group of leaders to form a sense of shared identity creates a basis for moving forward together in learning.
Learning Sessions – The sessions have been developed using a full range of learning modalities (e.g., didactic; narrative; artistic; use of literature, music, cultural practices, ritual, and process; and personal integration of experience). The competencies of adaptive leadership empower both the individuals and the larger community of Fellows to intervene effectively.
Conversations with Leaders – Conversations are hosted the evening before the learning sessions. In these engaging and candid conversations, key local leaders from the military, civic, business, and governmental communities share their personal stories, lessons, and strategies for change. The focus is on those transformational leaders who have made a difference in Hawaiʻi.
Executive Coaching – Executive coaching typically occurs during 60-minute one-on-one calls every month. Sessions are confidential and focus on the Fellow’s self-perception, impact, and effectiveness. Meetings are structured to fit the learning style of the Fellow and provide support as they apply their skills and new learning in context.
Individual Impact Experience – One of the most significant elements of the Omidyar Fellows program for Cohorts I - VIII was the Individual Learning Excursion. Creating a learning journey continues to be a vital element of the program. The purpose of the Individual Learning Excursion was to engage Fellows in a transformative experience that challenges their sense of self, represents some level of risk-taking, and provides opportunities for reflection and growth. The shift to an Individual Impact Experience will open the door to more local and national opportunities to structure a learning journey that will expose the Fellow to agents of change, organizations, and communities who are making change happen. The Individual Impact Experience will balance and integrate the missing piece of the individual with the needs of the community that they serve. The experience will focus on what is needed to make change happen in Hawaiʻi.
Clinic – At each learning session, the “clinic” provides a vital connection between practice and learning. Based upon case-study methodology borrowed from the social science/educational disciplines, Fellows have the opportunity to present a current issue or problem they find challenging. The Cohort becomes a problem-solving resource that sheds light on the underlying issues and provides an opportunity for engagement of all participants.
Interviews with Leaders – A new element will be Fellows interviewing 3-5 leaders who inspire and motivate the Fellow. The process of connection and conversation will create an opportunity for the Fellow to begin to integrate their own framework and best practices that arise from those conversations.