Making an Impact
- Impact ProjectsSuperpower Academywww.superpoweracademy.org
Superpower Academy empowers kids with social and emotional skills for lifelong success through "secret missions."
Learn More - Impact ProjectsUH Mānoa Commitment to Maui Students
UH Mānoa has committed to covering the cost of attendance of students whose livelihoods have been impacted or affected by the Maui Wildfires. With this commitment, we aim to help impacted students complete their UH Mānoa degree. Mānoa is investing in these students because we believe that with their degree in hand, they will contribute their strengths and talents toward the revitalization and future of Lahaina and Kula.
Learn More - COVID-19 ResponsesUplift Hawai‘iwww.uplifthawaii.org
Uplift Hawaiʻi is an economic recovery platform bringing together organizations, individuals, coalitions, and other recovery initiatives to help policymakers, business leaders, and individuals align their decision-making and actions to ensure a more equitable future for Hawaiʻi.
Learn More - Impact ProjectsWAI: Wastewater Alternatives & Innovationswaicleanwater.org
WAI's mission is to reduce sewage pollution from cesspools and restore healthy watersheds by providing innovative, affordable, and eco-friendly solutions to waste and wastewater management.
Learn More - Impact ProjectsWaiwai Collectivewaiwaicollective.com
Waiwai Collective is a group of Native Hawaiian entrepreneurs who share kuleana and a passion for uplifting the lāhui. Through their work, they have seen the extraordinary power of physical community when people come together with purpose and aloha.
Learn More - COVID-19 ResponsesWaypoints Hawai‘iwww.waypointshawaii.org
Waypoints outlines 50 actions that help chart Hawai‘i’s course for a more resilient future. The report presents a portfolio of policies and programs to help Hawai‘i recover economically and grow quality jobs while accelerating the transition to a 100% clean energy future.
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