The hōkū, or guiding star of the initiative, is to birth violence-free communities where healthy, thriving, and safe keiki can become healthy, thriving, and safe adults. The project will develop comprehensive curriculum and cross-sector alliances that leverage the complex and diverse cultural strengths of our people to establish integrated violence prevention as the de facto standard in Hawaiʻi.
Early education has proven effective in arresting the perpetuation of violent behaviors and harassment as children grow into adulthood. To maximize the effect of this phenomenon for the Hawaiʻi community at large, we envision a comprehensive, quality curriculum that is integrated in every educational organization throughout our state so that we may all live in violence-free, thriving communities.

Read more about Conscious Communities in our Q&A below.
- Sulma Gandhi
Cohort III
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Digital Literacy is using virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) to diversify Hawaiʻi's economy and strengthen its workforce.