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In response to COVID-19, the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) has collaborated with community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses to raise over $11.4 million (as of 6/5/2020) for nonprofit organizations across the state to protect front line health care workers with PPE, conduct mass food distributions, support a team who is building respirators for our state's shortfall, and more.

Over $7.6 million in donations collected through the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund at HCF has been deployed to community nonprofits and health care providers who are addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic ramifications for Hawai‘i’s families.

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House of Mana Up

House of Mana Up is using its e-commerce platform to connect the world with Hawaiʻi's rising entrepreneurs and their incredible products in an effort to support Hawai‘i-based product businesses–especially as we experience the effects of decreased tourism in our local market. To learn more about its upcoming events, head to

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