In response to COVID-19, the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) has collaborated with community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses to raise over $11.4 million (as of 6/5/2020) for nonprofit organizations across the state to protect front line health care workers with PPE, conduct mass food distributions, support a team who is building respirators for our state's shortfall, and more.
Over $7.6 million in donations collected through the Hawai‘i Resilience Fund at HCF has been deployed to community nonprofits and health care providers who are addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic ramifications for Hawai‘i’s families.
- Micah K āne
Cohort V
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This initiative aims to reduce the instances of intimate partner abuse in Hawai‘i by incorporating prevention education into the sexual violence curriculum being deployed in Hawai‘i schools and by deploying similar messaging through social media.