The ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures (AAEF) initiative released "Growing a Stronger Hawai‘i," a policy playbook that outlines 26 proposals that establish a framework for a resilient and diversified economy in Hawai‘i. The proposals are rooted in AAEF's guiding principles that focus on the well-being of Hawai‘i's people, communities, and natural resources.

"Growing a Stronger Hawai‘i" - ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures Policy Playbook
"Uplifting community voices and innovation is the foundation and starting point for this process. This playbook represents just a small portion of the collective intelligence embodied in the ideas contributed throughout our extensive community engagement process, said Dr. Kamanamaikalani Beamer, core contributor of the ʻĀina Aloha effort. More than 2,750 individuals, organizations, and businesses have been engaged with the initiative since April 2020.
The playbook was developed through AAEF's community engagement processes which generated more than 180 proposals. "We focused on policy recommendations first because our government plays such a critical role in setting us on a course for success," Beamer added.
“At the midpoint of the legislative session, we are very concerned that decision-makers are going to revert to what they know, the pre-pandemic status quo, and that is a huge problem. The status quo has failed to provide social and environmental justice and equity in our community. Itʻs time for our policymakers to make these changes now,” said AAEF co-author, Dr. Noe Noe Wong-Wilson.
To read the entire policy playbook, visit
Kalani Kaʻanāʻanā (Cohort VII), Keoni Lee (Cohort V), and Mahina Paishon (Cohort VI) are collaborative authors of the ʻĀina Aloha Economic Futures declaration. Supporters of the initiative include a number of Omidyar Fellows. To learn more about AAEF, visit
The program, provided free of charge for Hawai‘i nonprofits, provides training to help organizations interpret and comply with federal pandemic relief, as well as guide them through their ongoing operations.